2014 | 3′ | Animation | HD | 1:1.77 | Farbe | stereo
Englischer Titel: Walk the Dog
Regie & Production: Sonja Rohleder
Animation: Sonja Rohleder & Veronica Solomon
Sound: Michal Krajczok | Stimmen: Ivan Baio, Alberto Picciau, Francesca Pili, Ivana Mescalchin
Technik: 2D Animation, Legetrick
Vertrieb: KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.
Ein Frau geht mit ihrem Hund im Park spazieren und trifft dabei einen Mann, den sie lieber gemieden hätte.
>> I wrote a few lines about the making of this film at Director Notes
> > click here to read an article about the Hamburg International Short Film Festival (IKFF) at ZEIT Online, where my film is mentioned
Auszug aus der Juryentscheidung, Filmfest Dresden:
“This film is clearly more than a footnote to animation film. Commencing with an incredibly simple graphic idea, it humorously challenges the viewers to visualise the narrative in their heads. The overground being created in an empty brain.“
The Golden Helmet Award at Filmed By Bike | Audience Price in the "Curiosities" international competition - Les Nuits Magiques festival | Best short film - Anilogue | World Animation Award 2014 - 28th Leeds International Film Festival | DEFA Promotion Prize Animation - Filmfest Dresden | Special Mention of the National Youth Jury - Filmfest Dresden | Special Mention - Festival Plein la Bobine | The Single Channel Show / Professional Award - International Motion Festival Cyprus | Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung (FBW) - Short film of the month + besonders wertvoll
Landshut Short Film Festival, Germany | Filmfest Dresden - International Short Film Festival, Germany | Festival of Animated Films Stuttgart, Germany | International Motion Festival, Cyprus | International Festival of Animated Films AniFest, Czech Republic | Internationalen KurzFilmFestival Hamburg, Germany | Festival Plein la Bobine, France | KIKI international film festival for kids, Croatia | Odense International Film Festival, Danmark | Fantoche, Switzerland | Filmfest Weiterstadt, Germany | KROK International Animated Film Festival, Russia/Ukraine | Anim’est, Romania | Frontale Film Festival, Austria | Leeds International Film Festival, UK | Les Nuits Magiques, France | Interfilm Berlin, Germany | Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Sweden | Dok Leipzig, Germany | Anilogue, Hungary | Bamberger Kurzfilmtage, Germany | Braunschweig International Film Festival, Germany | Kurzfilmtournee 2014 „Fein.KOšt“, Germany, Czech Republic | Aspen Filmfest, USA | Shorts at Moonlight, Germany | Neiße Filmfestival, Germany | Nashville Film Festival, USA | Favourites Film Festival, Germany | Anima, Brussel | Trieste Film Festival, Italy | Best of International Short Films Festival, France | Filmfest Eberswalde, Germany | Minimalen Short Film Festival, germany | Balkanima, Serbia | Beloit International Film Festival, USA | St. Louis International Film Festival, USA | Filmed By Bike, USA | International Motion Festival, Cyprus | FAF Berlin, Germany